Principal investigator of the REN Chair and coordinator of the “Biodiversity in agricultural and forest ecosystems” CIBIO research group. His research interests include impacts of power lines on biodiversity, relationships between agricultural and forest management and biodiversity, and fire ecology.
REN Chair researcher focused on power lines impacts on birds and mitigation measures, but also on interactions on how white-stork nidification on REN pylons and their consequences for the species and the power line grid. The activity in the Chair includes a strong component of knowledge transfer to REN and other stakeholders, for example, in Environmental Impact Assessment processes.
Researcher with a special interest on assessment, mitigation and monitoring of biodiversity impacts associated with energy infrastructures, like wind farms and power lines. She developed her doctoral thesis in Biodiversity, Genetics, and Evolution (University of Porto) within the scope of the work plan of REN Chair, with the main aim of evaluating and optimizing the methods used to monitor and mitigate bird mortality at power lines and roads.
Researcher interested in studying the impacts caused by linear infrastructures, namely power lines, and roads. He was part of the REN Chair in the first triennium, having studied mortality and behavioural changes in avifauna in the REN power line grid.
Researcher in the field of conservation biology with special emphasis on the study of the movements and ecology of steppe birds. He has also dedicated to assessing the impacts of linear infrastructures, like roads and power lines, and what are the consequences of mortality for birds.
Biologist with a particular interest in Conservation Biology and Ornithology. As a researcher, she has been focusing on several facets of steppe birds and raptors ecology and conservation, including the impacts of anthropogenic infrastructures such as power lines.
Researcher in the field of ecology, being her main focus the study of climate change impacts of anthropogenic source on the reproduction biology, migratory behaviour, habitat quality, and population dynamic of birds. She has been to work mainly with the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni), the European roller (Coracias garrulus), the white stork (Ciconia ciconia), and the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax).
PhD student focuses on evaluating climatic and land-use impacts on Mediterranean agricultural areas. Her biologic models are the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni), the European roller (Coracias garrulus), the white stork (Ciconia ciconia), and the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax).