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Main Results: Sobre
Publication of 72 scientific articles in international journals;
12 communication at scientific meetings;
Academic human resources training: 19 involved researchers, including 10 doctoral and pre-doctoral grants, 5 undergraduate students, 3 master student, 1 FCT researcher;
Elaboration of the Portuguese "Guidelines for monitoring the impacts of transmission lines on birds and assess mitigation effectiveness” (CIBIO, 2020);
Drafting of scientific support documents (advisory work) to REN focuses on Environmental Impact Assessments, Monitoring, Mitigation, and Environmental Compensation context. These documents covered different life cycle stages of the assets of REN, including planning, design, construction, and maintenance phase;
Support and participation in biodiversity conservation initiatives developed by REN, with the highlight on projects/applications LIFE “RUPIS Egyptian Vulture and Bonelli’s Eagle Conservation in Douro/Duero Canyon”, LIFE “LINES – Linear infrastructures grid with ecological solutions”, LIFE “Green Connect – Green infrastructures to improve biodiversity and ecosystem services”, and LIFE “Grid4Life – For a management policy promoting European green infrastructures and biodiversity under power lines”;
Participation in CIGRE grid activities (International Council of Large Electric Systems), particularly with groups C3.16 – Interactions between electrical infrastructure and wildlife; and C3.20 – Sustainable Development Goals in the Electric Power Sector;
Collaboration with REN in connecting with relevant entities in environmental impact assessment, such as APA and ICNF, including contributes for the review of the “Support Manual of projects analyses related to the installation of aerial distribution and transmission power lines – Avifauna Component (ICNB 2010)”;
Co-organization (with REN) on 3 REN Chair for Biodiversity symposiums;
Development of citizen science initiatives about white-storks nidification productivity on pylons (count of the number of chicks), organized by 2 CIBIO Chairs associated with energy infrastructures (REN and EDP);
Carrying out knowledge transfer and internal training activities for company executives;
Support on REN application for “Best Practices of the Year Award da Renewable Grids Initiative” ( This initiative was selected by the members of the competition jury as one of the best practices in the “Environmental Protection” component in 2019;
920 000€ additional leveraged with the investment of the REN Chain in Biodiversity, raised through initiatives by researchers integrated into the activities of the REN Chair in Biodiversity.
Main Results: Recursos
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