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Partners: Sobre

CIBIO – Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, managed by Associação BIOPOLIS, is a scientific unit internationally renowned for its scientific studies in biodiversity and evolutionary biology.
CIBIO includes more than 200 national and international researchers (mainly postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students) organized in 34 research groups.
Partners: Sobre
REN - Redes Energéticas Nacional – Portuguese Transmission System Operator, acts on two main business areas: (i) Very High voltage electricity transport and global technical management of the National Electric System; (ii) High-pressure natural gas transport and the global technical management of the National Natural Gas System, ensuring the reception, storage, and regasification of LNG, as well as the underground storage of natural gas.
REN seeks to be one of the most efficient European transmission system operators (TSO) while creating shareholder value within a framework of sustainable development.
Partners: Sobre
FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, is the Portuguese governmental entity responsible for funding science, technology and innovation research on all knowledge areas. In 2008 it created the Invited Research Chairs Programme, designed to stimulate universities and research institutions to recruit researches that contribute to the knowledge in their fields of expertise and develop applied research on societal relevant issues.
Partners: Sobre
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